1- Self-reflection
2- Self-evaluation
3- Notice where my enthusiasm lied
4- Write down all ideas
5- Learning the difference between hobby and best at
6- Ask myself what knowledge I had and work on the knowledge that I needed to have
7- Look up what training was out there for me to take specially if it was free
8- Explore even when you don't know where it's going
9- Authentic means to stop trying to be an expert in topics you know very little about
10- Not knowing something right now does not mean you won't learn about it as you read and train.
11- Listen, Listen, and Listen
12- Don’t worry about colors or logos; you can always change them.
14- Focus on your motto and the name you wish to be identified with. When you find it, you will know. HINT: It is usually the one you come back to, tweak it and leave…that’s the one.
15- The bad news? Finding your niche can take from 12 to 24 months, but you will find it.